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Your Guide to Healthy Bones and Flexible Joints

This article will explore the importance of strong bones and flexible joints, recognize signs of support, and share tips to enhance your skeletal well-being.

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Maintaining bone and joint health is essential as the bones play multiple crucial roles in the body. Imagine how challenging it would be to do daily activities like dancing, walking, sitting, and running without proper joint health. Additionally, bone and joint health are necessary for protecting vital organs and acting as a reservoir for essential minerals. During the early years, bones renew in a process where old and damaged ones are destroyed for new bone tissue to form.

However, this remodeling slows down as you age, and your bone and joint health may deteriorate, resulting in low bone density. Therefore, keeping a balanced diet and healthy habits is vital to strengthening joint health.

Neglecting bone health can result in significant bone loss, with the National Osteoporosis Foundation reporting that more than 50 million Americans suffer from it. Luckily, bone and joint health issues are preventable and don't have to be part of your old age. Learn how to improve your bone and joint health in this article.

What Are the Symptoms of Bad Bone and Joint Health?

The following are the health signs and symptoms indicating that your bones and joint health could be in trouble.



You will notice tightness when your joints are stiff and require more force to move. This stiffness occurs mainly after waking up or sitting for a long time.


Joint Noises

If you have joint problems, you may experience grinding, clicking, or cracking noises. Joint noises are common and may not cause alarm, but your doctor should determine the cause.


Joint Numbness

Inflammation of the joints causes numbness and tingling due to nerve compression. This loss of sensation is usually in the hands and feet but can also spread to the arms and legs.


Joint Pain

Joint pain is the physical soreness of the wrist, hands, and feet that impacts movement. The pain results from poor joint health or trauma, which irritates nerve endings.


Redness and Warmth

Compromised bone and joint health lead to inflammation, which causes discoloration of affected areas. The inflammation generates dilation of blood vessels, making the surrounding skin redden and feel warm.

What Causes Bad Bone and Joint Health?

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Several factors cause the deterioration of bone and joint health. Lack of calcium is a leading reason for reduced bone density, and it increases the risk of injury. Moreover, poor nutrition also causes minimal absorption of minerals, generating calcium deficiency in the body.

A genetic or family history of bone diseases positions you at a greater risk of bone and joint health. Again, as you age, your bone density reduces as you have more bone loss than formation. Some prescribed treatments and medications like prednisone, corticosteroids, and chemotherapies also cause bone loss. Patients using these long-term medications should take calcium and vitamin D supplements to counter the effects.

Another causal agent of poor bone health is hormonal imbalance. For instance, high levels of thyroid hormone weaken the bones. Did you know women lose up to 20% of their bone density during menopause? Low estrogen production during menopause is a frequent cause of bad bone health in women.

How to Improve Bone and Joint Health?

Bones play such essential roles that boosting their health is vital to avoid bone deterioration. Although bones continuously regenerate, enhancing their health is crucial to maintain optimal strength. With around 50 million Americans suffering from bone problems, it's essential to understand how to improve bone and joint health. It's never too early to monitor these, especially if bone loss runs in your family.

Besides that, symptoms of bone problems often appear at advanced stages, which makes treatment difficult. Caring for your bone and joint health is essential for overall general health. You can do so by taking the actions listed below.


Consume Fruits and Vegetables

Having fruits and veggies rich in vitamins assists in the production of bone-forming cells. These two also contain vitamin C, an antioxidant that fights diseases that affect bone cells. You should consider eating broccoli, kale, collard greens, dates, papaya, prunes, etc. A study showed that menopausal women who took prunes were less prone to bone deterioration and disease.


Take High-Calcium Foods

About 99% of the body's calcium is in the bones, and it is the main mineral that maintains bone health. Calcium-rich foods like dairy products, seafood, and eggs aid the bones' strength and structure. Unfortunately, inadequate calcium intake leads to the body extracting calcium from the bones, weakening their density.


Avoid Tobacco and Alcohol

Reducing alcohol and smoking is paramount to boost bone health. Tobacco is associated with brittle bones as it produces free radicals. Furthermore, tobacco smoke causes estrogen hormonal imbalance, which causes bone loss. In addition, excessive consumption of alcohol compromises calcium balance. Drinking can also affect balance, which may result in falls and fractures.


Exercise Regularly

Living an inactive lifestyle encourages less bone mass. On the other hand, routine exercise helps your bones gain density, reducing the risk of bone loss and disease. Weight-bearing exercise mainly stimulates the renewal of bone cells. Exercise also enhances your balance, reducing your chances of falling and suffering fractures.


Take Supplements

Alongside a healthy diet, consider taking supplements to help improve bone density. They include calcium, zinc, and vitamins C, D, and K. Supplements rich in isoflavones are excellent for enhancing bone health in women with low bone density. Collagen supplements also support bone health and reduce joint discomfort.

Product Recommendations

Joint Support

Joint Support

Flexibility | Mobility | Comfort

Joint Support combines 6 active ingredients, including NEM®, to support cartilage, joint mobility, and bone integrity. Formulated with type II collagen and antioxidants to rebuild joint flexibility, range of motion, and mobility.

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Nano Powered Omega 3

Nano Powered Omega 3

Brain | Heart | Joint Health

This powerful omega-3 supplement is made with high-quality fish oil and nano-technology for optimal absorption. It supports cardiovascular health, promotes brain function, improves joint flexibility & mobility, reduces inflammation, and enhances mood.

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Bone Health Formula

Bone Health Formula

Strength | Density | Protection

Bone Health Formula contains 11 bone-boosting minerals and vitamins that strengthen and protect bones, support cartilage health, and supply bones with essential building blocks, including Calcium, Zinc, Magnesium, and Vitamins D3 & K2.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What Is Good for Bone and Joint Health?

Are you curious about what is good for bone and joint health? If so, you have to know calcium is a primary element that supports the maintenance of strong and healthy bones. Therefore, consuming around 1,000 mg of calcium daily is recommended. Having an intake of calcium helps safeguard the structure and strength of your bones.

Now, what vitamin is good for joint health? Vitamins C and D, along with minerals, play a significant role in supporting healthy bones and joints by aiding in the calcium absorption process. Consuming fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C can effectively enhance bone and joint health. Furthermore, fruits also offer minerals such as calcium and magnesium that contribute to bone health.

Supplements containing collagen, glucosamine, or chondroitin can also promote health in this department. Regular exercise is also key in maintaining the well-being of bones and joints. Staying active increases bone density and also enhances balance.

How Can You Make Bones and Joints Stronger?

Bones need to be strong to support the body and help with mobility. If someone were to ask you how to make bones and joints stronger, you have to tell them the following. First, they should do weight-bearing physical activities to help build the muscles that support joints. Physical activities like running, jumping, swimming, and walking put pressure on the bones, making them sturdy. These exercises also improve balance and coordination.

A healthy diet is another way to fortify your bones. Protein-rich foods strengthen bones since 50% of their composition comes from protein. Reduce foods with added sugars as they flush out calcium from your bones. Finally, to make your bones stronger, avoid smoking and excessive alcohol intake.

What Foods Are Good for Bone Health?

It's essential to include foods high in calcium, vitamin D, and minerals in your diet to support the health of your bones. Seafood, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables (particularly green veggies) are all great options to ensure you get the nutritional value your bones need. If you're taking medication for poor bone density, incorporating calcium foods into your diet can further enhance the effectiveness of the medicine.

In addition to these choices, nuts benefit bone health by providing nutrients and healthy fats. Consider enjoying a handful of walnuts, almonds, sunflower seeds, or pistachios as a snack to promote bones. Alternatively, you can explore supplements rich in calcium, vitamin D, omega-3 acids, and phosphorus. Phosphorus plays a role in regulating calcium absorption and utilization to support bone strength.

What Foods Are Good for Joint Health?

Consuming foods high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, and antioxidants is advisable to maintain good joint health. Examples of foods are fish like sardines, salmon, and tuna, leafy green vegetables, nuts and seeds, berries, and citrus fruits. While taking supplements for health is not always necessary, they can also prove beneficial.

You may find that supplements like glucosamine and chondroitin can help improve health and alleviate discomfort and swelling. Enough chocolate also contains antioxidants that can assist with achy joints. Dark chocolate contains flavonoids, which are anti-inflammatory phytochemicals that reduce the immune response that can harm joints. Additionally, fruits such as apples and pineapples have compounds with anti-inflammatory properties that can contribute to better joint health.

Lastly, incorporating garlic, onions, and turmeric into your diet is beneficial due to their richness in anti-inflammatory compounds. Consult with a professional nutritionist for advice on maintaining joint health.

What Foods Are Bad for Bones Health?

Drinks such as alcohol, caffeine, and high-sodium foods affect bone density. These foods contain oxalates and phytates, which can impede calcium absorption and reduce bone density. Moreover, foods rich in oxalates, like wheat bran, are not beneficial for bone health since they bind with calcium during excretion. Examples of oxalate foods are kike beans, lentils, beets, and peas.

Although these foods may have an impact on bone health, they also offer other important nutritional benefits and, therefore, shouldn't be entirely eliminated from one's diet. Similarly, drinking sodas and eating salty foods has been associated with decreased bone density and an increased risk of fractures.

What Foods Are Bad for Joint Health?

Some diets are bad for joint health as they worsen joint inflammation. These foods include high-salt foods, refined carbohydrates, processed meats, and added sugars. Excessive consumption of purine diet foods such as organ meats, sodas, and alcohol may lead to the buildup of uric acid in the body. The uric acid then forms around joints and causes inflammation.

Sugary drinks also contribute to joint issues since they affect joint lubrication. These drinks contain high fructose and artificial sweeteners, which can also affect your overall health. Switch to herbal teas to improve your joint health. Additionally, foods high in processed oils, such as fried chicken and other fried snacks, can aggravate joint inflammation.

What Vitamins Are Good for Bone and Joint Health?

Vitamins are essential to ensure our body's proper functioning. What vitamin is good for bone health? Vitamins for bone health include vitamins D, K, C, and E. While these vitamins are abundant in foods and nature, you can also take them in supplements. Vitamin D is vital for regulating calcium and phosphorous and maintaining bone mass.

Sunlight is a primary source of vitamin D, but you can also find it in foods. Vitamin E helps reduce joint inflammation. Moreover, it also stimulates cartilage production, alleviating degerative joint disease symptoms. Sources of vitamin E are almonds, pumpkins, sunflower seeds, peanuts, etc. Talk to your doctor to know what vitamins are good for bone and joint health.

What Heals Bones and Joints Faster?

A healthy diet full of vegetables, protein, and fruits can aid in rebuilding bones and joints. Vitamins and calcium are also essential during the bone regeneration process. Therefore, focus on yogurt, leafy greens, fish, broccoli, nuts, and seeds to repair your bones and joints. If you are experiencing a deficiency in certain areas, consider taking supplements to help strengthen and fortify bones and joints.

Dietary supplements include calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium, among others. Engaging in physical exercise with caution can also help repair bones and joints by allowing for the movement of nutrients to the affected areas.

What Weakens Bones and Joints?

Several factors result in weak bones and joints. These include calcium deficiency, poor diet, medications, and diseases. Since bones are calcium reservoirs, whenever the body lacks this mineral, it takes it directly from the bones for other functions. Whenever this happens, it results in weakened bones and joints.

On the other hand, poor nutrition lowers bone mass, weakening them. Long-term use of medications can hinder the formation of new bone cells. Chemotherapies, steroids, and anticonvulsants are among the drugs that encourage bone loss. Medical conditions like malignancies, liver disease, and autoimmune responses compromise the immune system and affect bone health.

How Do You Know If Your Joints Are Bad?

You know you have bad joints when you experience pain, stiffness, numbness, swelling, decreased range of motion, and funny sounds during movement. While you can ignore some signs, others are debilitating and hard to ignore.

You should see a physician when joint problems persist over a few days and are accompanied by swelling or redness. You might also notice significant limited mobility in doing daily activities. These could be signs of a more severe condition that requires the immediate attention of a healthcare professional.

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I was weeks away from spinal surgery. In so much pain and it was getting worse everyday. I have been taking joint support everyday for the past 6 months. I have NO Pain at all. It is unbelievable I feel so good.

- Sharon W.

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Joint support

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I am loving the product! I have been taking supplements since the ‘80s and I have never continued with a product that keeps me thinking “is this working or not”. I don’t continue with a product on faith alone…I have to feel its effect and your Nano Powered Omega gives me that effect. I feel so good with it I can’t wait for the next day to take my two caps.

- Eduardo R.

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Nano Powered Omega 3

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Excellent… increased my bone density from severe to moderate… excellent results. Thank you so much!!

- Susan

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Reviewed Product:
Bone Health Formula

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This was my first marine and not bovine collagen supplement i've tried and I am very pleased with the results. Skin looks a lot better after a month and Im excited to see how it will improve in the long run.

- Julian S.

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Reviewed Product:
Marine Collagen Booster

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This is day 3 and for the first time in months I am actually pain free…I can’t believe it…I woke up this morning pain free, slept pain free and was able to walk pain free up and down the stairs …this is day 3 of taking the supplement! 5 stars for me!

- Anitra D.

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Reviewed Product:
Joint support

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My experiences with PureHealth Research regarding Joy Mt Support are EXCELLENT! Both the product and the company have been referred to my friends and family. Customer Service is top notch, and this product, Joint Support, has have an awesome improvement I’m my mobility as a 70 year old young person. Highly recommended!

- Cynthia H.

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Reviewed Product:
Joint support

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I have been suffering from SI joint pain and L5 disc pain for months now. I received my first bottle on a Wednesday and by Saturday I was almost pain free. Amazing!!

- Mitchell A.

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Joint support

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the nano powered omega 3 is working great it has reduced my colesttero by 20 points and at the time i had only been taking it for 3 weeks. i am looking forward to my next dr. appointment thank you mike edmondson

- Michael E. Edmonson

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Reviewed Product:
Nano Powered Omega 3

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After about two weeks I could feel the difference in my energy level, my heart my over all Health. The Omega 3 is the best. If you try it you will be hooked on Pure Health. Believe me you can't go wrong at all.

- Curtis M.

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Reviewed Product:
Nano Powered Omega 3

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My goal is to help insure my good health for years to come. I take supplements to facilitate that, and my newest addition is this Pure Health Nano Powered Omega 3. This is not my first time ordering an Omega 3 supplement, but this one has really made a difference in my overall energy and mind function. Glad I am on a subscription basis so I am not without it.

- Rita H.

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Reviewed Product:
Nano Powered Omega 3

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I only brought a one month supply. I was impressed with the results and just ordered a 3 month supply. Was really pleased with results so far. I have tried many products that did not work. Thanks purehealth

- James K.

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Reviewed Product:
Bone Health Formula

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The order was very well done and delivery of my product was right on the date they said. I’m very pleased so far with my product. I feel better every day. Thank you so much. Excellent review

- Sharon B.

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Reviewed Product:
Bone Health Formula

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I'm repurchasing this again because after 3 bottles I really noticed a difference in my skin. It looks more hydrated and just better in general. Recommend

- Terri C.

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Reviewed Product:
Marine Collagen Booster

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I couldn't be happier with the results... it really helped my wrinkles and I think it also made my nails grow faster!! Wonderful supplement

- Luis D.

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Reviewed Product:
Marine Collagen Booster

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This collagen supplement is like a time machine in the bottle. I've never thought a supplement could help this much. My skin looks incredible, feels soft and the wrinkles around my eyes and mouth are less deep. Great for neck skin too. Just repurchased

- Mia G.

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Reviewed Product:
Marine Collagen Booster